Chapter 17, 18,19 and 20


Welcome back for another episode of “As the Jungle Turns” featuring three chapters dealing with Mary and Agent W-D40’s adventures in the Himalayan Mountains.  The word selected for Round 49 of Monkey Sidebars was “Incandescent” selected by Gaile Hughes or @natpatg.  The ideas we had were Buddhist monks surrounded by candles and The Twins along with their sister, Faith are seeking sanctuary in the Monastery.
Pia Langfield
Pia Langfield- “So off they went, toward the land of the rising sun-the roof of the world…ready for their incandescent adventure.”
Pia and I spoke of introducing a new cameo scene with Mr. Sides as our contact in China and someone who could get our heroes up the mountainside.  My original idea was to draw Mr. Sides as an anime character but Pia brilliantly said, “Why don’t you draw him in his style of drawing?”  To which I replied, “What do you mean?  In BONDAGE?!?!”  Besides his seriously sexy drawings, his military art is also amazing.  I studied his draws on Draw Something 2 to learn his style.
Mr Sides
Mr Sides
Mr. Sides
Mr. Sides
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos
On this draw, we recruited the services of Pia’s husband to help us with the names of the elite forces in Germany.  We now had Mr. Sides trained by the GSG9 and KSK.
One other item was to address Agent W-D40’s name.  It was beginning to become a pain in the arse to say and since we were building a relationship, we needed a name.  Pia listed names that started with the letter ‘W’ and ‘D’.  Pia selected Wayne and I selected Duncan (being a San Antonio Spurs fan).
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld
Pia was super excited about drawing the Dalai Lama.  Pia has the talent for portraits…. as for me… well not so much.
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos- “The crew arrives to the base of the Himalayan Mountains and have located The Twins at a possible monastery hideout with the help of Mr. Sides.  Wayne makes a vow to Mary that nothing bad will happen during the climb or possibly forever.
This draw almost never happened because it was lost on Draw Something 2.  Luckily I drew this for fellow Monkey member, Joanie Sween or @jasween116 who sent the pic back so I could screen capture it.
We were working on building a relationship between the two and incidentally we will refer to this draw in future draws.
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos- “Explanation of draw not needed.”


During the writing process, we knew it would take great “Effort” to climb up the Himalayan Mountains.  I spoke to Pia about one of my favorite authors, Jon Krakauer and the book Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster.  She said she owned the movie version so we looked at scenes and came up with ideas to draw.
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld- “Mary, Wayne and Mr. Sides started their journey up the Himalayan Mountains to the Twins’ Hide out.
The idea was to draw the ice crevasses with Wayne slipping and almost falling into the crevasse.   It would take a great effort to get him out or otherwise he would be found frozen next to a Wooly Mammoth!
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos
In keeping with the Into Thin Air we decided to throw a vicious storm in the mix.  The heroes in the book die from a freak storm on Mount Everest so I drew a storm that would jeopardize the team.
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos- “After the great effort to beat the storm, the trio seeks shelter at a secluded cave…or so they thought.  Mr. Sides tells Mary and Wayne of stories that his grandfather had told him as a child….stories of a selcouth creature that dwelled in the Himalayan Mountains…half man/half bear known as Yeti.
This drawing is referenced from the comic series Carbon Grey and added the start to the next chapter, Selcouth.


While coming up with ideas for Selcouth, I mentioned to Pia that I had just seen a childhood movie, Big Trouble in Little China.  While looking for ideas for the Yeti or the Selcouth creature, I wanted to use one of the creatures on the movie.
Big Trouble in Little China
Big Trouble in Little China
However, we went another route because we wanted him to be loveable and cuddly yet scary to look at…. and we would name him “Harry”.    I started looking for reference draws for the Yeti which there weren’t as many as there were for Big Foot.  However I found a great one referenced from WYV1 on Deviant Art.
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld
Pia drew this scene with jewels added to lead to the next chapter, “Enigmatic”
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos- “Mary befriended the creature as ‘Beauty can soothe the savage beast!’  Realizing that Yeti’s are omnivores and are harmless…she named him Harry!”
With the previous draw featuring Mary in a fur coat and fur hat, of course it would make sense that she had a furry set of lingerie!  This scene shows Mary calming the savage beast similar to King Kong.  In fact, the other idea we had for this draw was Mary being abducted by a large White gorilla but we scrapped that idea.
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos- “Wayne and Mr Sides tracked Mary to the Yeti’s lair to find her unharmed!! The guys were ready to attack when Mary stopped them and told them that he was harmless.  She also pointed to some ‘Enigmatic’ markings that were in the cave.
Again, I had just seen Big Trouble in Little China and wanted to draw something that would honor this movie.  I found this reference draw from Supajoe on Deviantart.com.
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld
Pia drew these symbols referring to the Elvish writings on The Hobbit.  The team would need to decipher the code to go further into the cave.


While brainstorming for Chapter 19, “Enigmatic” we also took into account the following chapter, “Alien”.  While our journey took us into a strange cave that had a “Selcouth” creature, jewels embedded in the cave and unusual writing in the cave we shouldn’t have any problems coming up with an enigmatic concept.
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld
To decipher the enigmatic markings in the cave and determine what was behind the door, Mr. Sides had a German Enigma Machine.  The machine was used by the Germans during World War II to read codes sent by the allies.
Pia Langfeld
Pia Langfeld- “Cracking the code was easy enough and opened the door to a whole new Enigmatic world.”
Once the code was interpreted by the team, they moved on to a whole new Enigmatic World!!  What was found in the cave was something that should not be!  A jungle-like atmosphere inside the Himalayan mountains!  But how?  The team would press on to explore this enigmatic cave while trying to find the Twins and Faith.
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos- “As the team explored the caves of the Himalayan Mountains, they came across an enigmatic mural with people worshiping a tall God-like man who is pointing to a constellation.  Above him are unusual symbols that are not recognizable to Mr. Sides’ decoder….Is this tall being and this enigmatic cave from another planet?
Here we were transitioning to the next chapter, “Aliens.”  Speaking of which, this drawing was inspired by the movie, Prometheus (2012) which was directed by Ridley Scott and was intended to be a prequel to another movie he directed, Alien (1979).
Jaime Leos
Jaime Leos-“The large generators suddenly came alive producing large electrical plasma arcs that flowed towards the final door.  The generators made a rhythmic hum similar to a heart beat….lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub….it seemed as if the mountain was coming alive!!!  As the noise became louder, the mountain began to TREMBLE!!!!  Rocks began to fall over our heroes heads and they quickly ran towards the final door of the cave.
In this scene, we gave the cave…LIFE!!!  We would see the cave beginning to collapse and large amounts of energy being transferred out of the cave as if it were a large power source to a great machine!!  But what would require so much energy and where was this energy being generated from?  The idea was the mountain collected energy from electrical storms  outside of the mountain that were stored inside the generators.
These three chapters tested our imaginations.  So many strange ideas came about but because of words like “Selcouth” and “Enigmatic” we knew that our world could be no less than unusual!!
Monkey Round Date Day Word chosen
@natpatg #49 January 26 (Sun) INCANDESCENT
Monkey Round Date Day Word chosen
@Jimpeterson1970 #50 January 29 (Wed) EFFORT
Monkey Round Date Day Word chosen
@Geopebbles #51 February 2 (Sun) SELCOUTH
Monkey Round Date Day Word chosen
 Thank you for reading and please follow @jungleturns on Instagram.